Non-Academic Surveys

Non-Academic Surveys

House Bill 2567


Screening- MySAEBRS, Illuminate Education

MySAEBRS is designed for universal screening of students in grades 2 through 12. Students in kindergarten and grade 1 have not reached the developmental stage required to engage in cognitive insight which enables them to think about and rate their own behaviors. For this reason, the MySAEBRS should not be used by students in kindergarten and grade 1. Our district begins administering MySAEBRS in grade 3.

MySAEBRS can be used to identify students who are at risk for social, academic, and emotional behaviors up to five times a year. Our district currently screens using MySAEBRS three times per year. By evaluating in which of the three specific domains a student is at risk, educators may determine what type of supports are most appropriate and which problem behaviors should be prioritized through intervention. For instance, if a student is only at risk for emotional problems, then a school may decide to target emotional behaviors via the application of social-emotional learning (SEL) programs.

SAEBRS Screening Tool

Kansas Communities That Care

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