Computer Cleaning Instructions

As cold and flu season bear down upon us, it is a good time to remind everyone to clean their computers to help prevent the spread of germs.  Below are some general guidelines for doing this along with an attached article from the October issue of Good Housekeeping magazine for further guidance. 


Remember to shut down your computer before cleaning and unplug it if possible to avoid electrical shock or damage to electrical components.


Computer Housing—outside of computer

               Wipe off with a damp (not wet) or dry soft cloth.  Vacuum air vents with a small vacuum attachment or blow out with compressed air being careful not to apply too much pressure to unit.



               Gently tap upside down to remove loose dirt and crumbs.  Wipe keys with a slightly damp (not wet) soft cloth or cotton ball.  Using rubbing alcohol helps to prevent the spread of germs.  You may use a q-tip to clean between keys. 


LCD Screen (flat screens)—

               Wipe with soft, dry cotton cloth.  If necessary, slightly dampen cloth is rubbing alcohol/water combination.  Special cleaning cloths are also available.


Non-LCD Screen (with glass cover)—

               Wipe with soft cloth dampened with distilled water—do not spray anything directly onto screen!



               If it is a laser mouse, clean all surfaces, top and bottom, with slightly dampened soft cloth—using rubbing alcohol again helps kill germs.  If it is a regular mouse, clean all surfaces as a laser mouse, but also remove the bottom covering and clean the roller ball and rollers with a q-tip or cotton ball slightly dampened with rubbing alcohol.


Desk Surface—

               Be sure to clean the desk surface under and around your computer with a slightly dampened cloth to remove dust, debris, and crumbs—including your mouse pad if you have one.


Make sure all surfaces are completely dry before plugging your computer back in and re-booting it.


Judy Rogers

Technology Coordinator

Golden Plains USD #316

335 School Street

Rexford, KS 67757